Profiling disease burden and Borrelia seroprevalence in Canadians with complex and chronic illness

TitleProfiling disease burden and Borrelia seroprevalence in Canadians with complex and chronic illness
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
JournalPLoS One
Start Pagee0291382
Date Published11/2023
AuthorsSanderson VP, Miller JC, Bamm VV, M, T, Lloyd VK, Singh-Ranger G, Wills MKB
Keywordsborrelia, borrelia infection, diagnostic medicine, enzyme-linked immunoassays, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, principle component analysis, serology

Overall, our findings support prior observations of phenotypic overlap between Lyme and other diseases. Seropositivity associated with non-specific symptoms and functional impairment warrants further mechanistic investigation and therapeutic optimization.